Backend Development

HobbyFarm makes use of a backend service called Gargantua. Gargantua is a RESTful API written in Go. The following instructions will assist in setting up a local development environment for Gargantua.

The following instructions will assist in setting up a local development environment for Gargantua.


Gargantua is written in Go. To develop Gargantua, knowledge of Go is required.

The following tools are required to be installed:


The following instructions will assist in setting up a local development environment for Gargantua.

  1. Clone the Gargantua repository.

    ## Clone the Gargantua repository
    git clone
  2. Clone the HobbyFarm repository.

    ## Clone the HobbyFarm repository
    git clone
  3. Change into the HobbyFarm directory.

    ## Change into the Gargantua directory
    cd hobbyfarm
  4. Modify the Docker Compose variables for the local environment as needed.

    ## Copy the example environment file
    cp .env.example .env
    ## Edit the file
    vim .env
  5. Start the Docker Compose stack. This will provide a K3d cluster for CustomResourceDefinitions (CRD).

    ## Start the Docker Compose stack
    ./ up
    ## Alternatively, build changes to the local development container
    ## Only required if a file in ./cicd/docker-local has changed
    ./ up --build
    ## To stop the Docker Compose stack
    ./ stop
    ## To destroy the Docker Compose stack
    ./ destroy Script

The script is a wrapper around docker-compose that performs the following fuctions:

  • Connects to the external Docker network called hobbyfarm-dev.
  • Mounts the external volumes for Kubernetes Service Account credentials called hobbyfarm-kube-sa.
  • Calls docker-compose up which starts the hf-garg container, listening on localhost:16210.
  • The hf-garg container runs a watch loop on Golang files, rebuilds on detected changes.