Frontend Development

HobbyFarm consists of two frontend applications: the primary user interface (ui) and the administrator user interface (admin-ui). The UI is the primary application users interact with. The Admin UI is a separate application used to manage the HobbyFarm backend.

The following instructions will assist in setting up a local development environment for HobbyFarm.


Both the UI and Admin UI are written in Angular. To develop either application, knowledge of Angular and Typescript is required.

The following tools are required to be installed:


The following instructions will assist in setting up a local development environment for the UI and Admin UI. The instructions are the same for both applications.

  1. Clone the UI and Admin UI repositories.

    ## Clone the UI repository
    git clone
    ## Clone the Admin-UI repository
    git clone
  2. Copy the example environment file and edit it. The example below uses the UI repository, but the same steps apply to the Admin-UI repository.

    ## Change into the UI directory.
    cd ui
    ## Copy the example environment file
    cp src/environments/environment.local.example.ts src/environments/environment.local.ts
    ## Edit the file
    vim src/environments/environment.local.ts
  3. Set the server variable to the Gargantua backend URL in the src/environments/environment.local.ts file.

    // Example src/environments/environment.local.ts
    export const environment = {
      production: false,
      // Update the server URL to point to the local gargantua backend
      server: 'http://localhost:16210',
  4. Launch the local server from the Git repository root directory.

    ## Run the install command
    npm install
    ## Start the local UI/Admin-UI server
    npm run start:local