Provider Images

Information about the provider images used by HobbyFarm.

A provider image is a virtual machine image which exists on a 3rd party cloud provider, such as DigitalOcean or AWS. These images are used by HobbyFarm to deploy virtual machines per cloud environment. The provider image is used to determine the operating system, software, and configuration of the virtual machine deployed and managed by HobbyFarm.

Image Examples

ProviderImageImage TypeAMI URL
DigitalOceanubuntu-20-04-x64Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x64DO Available Images
AWSami-0a6e38961e6e621b0Ubuntu 20.04 LTS x64Find a Linux AMI

Custom Images

HobbyFarm supports the use of custom cloud images. For example, using Hashicorp’s Packer tool, it is possible to create a custom built AWS AMI for use with HobbyFarm.

Using Custom Images

To use a custom image, the image must be built, pushed to the respective cloud platform, and accessible by the provisioner used by HobbyFarm. The name of the custom image can then be used when defining a VirtualMachineTemplate and/or Environment.

NOTE: Container images are not supported at this time.