
Defines specific implementation details on how HobbyFarm connects to a provider for scheduling virtual machines.

An Environment resource contains configuration information such as where provider credentials are stored, what image to use when creating a VM, or how much capacity a provider has for a specific type of VM.

Kubernetes Commands

The following commands are useful for managing Environment resources in Kubernetes.

## Get a list of all Environments
kubectl get environments -n hobbyfarm-system

## Create an Environment from a YAML manifest
kubectl apply -f {environmentManifest} -n hobbyfarm-system

## Edit an Environment
kubectl edit environment {environmentName} -n hobbyfarm-system

## Backup an Environment to a YAML manifest
kubectl get environment {environmentName} -n hobbyfarm-system -o yaml > {environmentManifest}

## Delete an Environment
kubectl delete environment {environmentName} -n hobbyfarm-system

Environment Manifest Example

The following shows an example of an Environment manifest in Kubernetes.

apiVersion: hobbyfarm.io/v1
kind: Environment
    hobbyfarm.io/provisioner: external
  name: demo-environment
  namespace: hobbyfarm-system
    example-do-vm-template: 10
  display_name: demo-environment
    region: nyc1
    token-secret: do-secret
  provider: digitalocean
      image: ubuntu-20-04-x64
      size: s-1vcpu-512mb-10gb
      ssh_username: root
  ws_endpoint: shell.{domain}.com

NOTE: The inclusion of the hobbyfarm.io/provisioner: external annotation is required when using an external provisioner. However, the use of this annotation will break provisioning with Terraform. See the Provisioner documentation for more information.



This field is a map[string]int and is designed to inform HobbyFarm about the capacity of the environment for a particular VM template. Each key in this map is the name of the VM template, and the value is the number of total VMs of that type that the environment can support.

This map should be set according to what resources an environment has. Take care to account for multiple templates and totals that will affect the amount of instances, cpu, memory, etc. that are consumed in the provider.

NOTE: In the example manifest shown above, the environment can support 10 total VMs of the example-do-vm-template type.


Display name for the environment.


This field is a map[string]string designed to inform HobbyFarm about specific values for the environment. Entries in this map are utilized by VM provisioners for purposes.

The keys defined here are specific to the provisioner in use for the environment, such as DigitalOcean or AWS. Each provisioner may have specific values that are required.

NOTE: In the example manifest shown above, the DigitalOcean provisioner requires a region and token-secret to be defined.


This field is used to determine what provider should be utilized for an environment.

NOTE: If using an external provisioner, this field is required and must be used in conjunction with the hobbyfarm.io/provisioner: external annotation to set the external provisioner. See the example manifest above for a demonstration of the hobbyfarm.io/provisioner: external annotation.

NOTE: An external provider must be installed separately from HobbyFarm. See the Provisioner documentation for more information.

⚠️ Terraform Deprecation ⚠️

The logic behind the provider field has changed. The field originally informed HobbyFarm what Terraform provider to use when provisioning. Since Terraform is deprecated, the recommended use of this field is to inform HobbyFarm what external provisioner to use for an environment.


This field is a map[string]string allowing administrators to configure specific values for each VM template in use in the environment. Some common uses of this map are for elements such as instance size or AMI.

The keys defined here are specific to the provisioner in use for the environment. Each provisioner may have specific values that are required.


This field defines which websocket (shell) endpoint should be used by end-user clients to open a shell to VMs provisioned in this environment. This field may be used in situations where a specific shell server needs to be utilized. An example of this may be an environment where the shell server needs to be in a DMZ in order to access VMs that are otherwise isolated from the main HobbyFarm install.