A Scope is used to control access to settings in the HobbyFarm UI. For example, a setting that is only accessible by administrators would be assigned to the admin-ui
The following commands are useful for managing Scope resources in Kubernetes.
## Get a list of all Scopes
kubectl get scopes -n hobbyfarm-system
## Create a Scope from a YAML manifest
kubectl apply -f {scopeManifest} -n hobbyfarm-system
## Edit a Scope
kubectl edit scope {scopeName} -n hobbyfarm-system
## Backup a Scope to a YAML manifest
kubectl get scope {scopeName} -n hobbyfarm-system -o yaml > {scopeManifest}
## Delete a Scope
kubectl delete scope {scopeName} -n hobbyfarm-system
The following shows an example of a Scope manifest in Kubernetes.
## Public Scope
apiVersion: hobbyfarm.io/v1
displayName: Public
kind: Scope
name: public
namespace: hobbyfarm-system
## User UI Scope
apiVersion: hobbyfarm.io/v1
displayName: User UI
kind: Scope
name: user-ui
namespace: hobbyfarm-system
## Admin UI Scope
apiVersion: hobbyfarm.io/v1
displayName: Admin UI
kind: Scope
name: admin-ui
namespace: hobbyfarm-system
## Gargarntua Scope
apiVersion: hobbyfarm.io/v1
displayName: Admin UI
kind: Scope
name: gargantua
namespace: hobbyfarm-system
The following scopes are available in HobbyFarm by default:
Scope | Description | Examples |
public | Settings which are publicly accessible. | Disabling of User Registration. |
user-ui | Settings which are accessible in the user-ui. | N/A |
admin-ui | Settings which are accessible in the admin-ui. | MOTD in the admin-ui. |
gargantua | Settings which are used by the Gargantua backend. | ScheduledEvent Retention Time. |
NOTE: All settings are accessible by administrators, regardless of the assigned Scope, based on RBAC rules.
A Scope works in conjunction with the hobbyfarm.io/setting-scope
label on a Setting resource. The label defines which scope a setting belongs to. For example, a setting that is assigned to the admin-ui
scope would have the label hobbyfarm.io/setting-scope: admin-ui
with the value of the scope name. For example:hobbyfarm.io/setting-scope: public
hobbyfarm.io/setting-scope: user-ui
hobbyfarm.io/setting-scope: admin-ui
hobbyfarm.io/setting-scope: gargantua