
Enable/disable HobbyFarm features by adjusting settings.

HobbyFarm makes use of adjustable settings to alter the behavior of the platform by adding or removing features via feature-gates or by setting variables, such as the retention time of specific objects.

Settings always have a name and a scope. The name provides a unique identifier for the setting while the scope defines who can adjust settings as well as who can retrieve the settings.

All settings are dynamically rendered in the Admin-UI under the Configuration > Settings page.

Kubernetes Commands

The following commands are useful for managing Setting resources in Kubernetes.

## Get a list of all Settings
kubectl get settings -n hobbyfarm-system

## Create a Setting from a YAML manifest
kubectl apply -f {settingManifest} -n hobbyfarm-system

## Edit a Setting
kubectl edit setting {settingName} -n hobbyfarm-system

## Backup a Setting to a YAML manifest
kubectl get setting {settingName} -n hobbyfarm-system -o yaml > {settingManifest}

## Delete a Setting
kubectl delete setting {settingName} -n hobbyfarm-system

Example Setting Manifests

The following are three example Settings manifests.

## Boolean dataType using a scalar.
## Assigned to the public scope.
dataType: boolean
kind: Setting
  labels: public
  name: registration-disabled
  namespace: hobbyfarm
value: "true"
valueType: scalar


## String dataType using an array with validators.
## Assigned to the admin-ui scope.
dataType: string
displayName: String Array
kind: Setting
  labels: my-group admin-ui
  name: string-array
value: '["string","array"]'
valueType: array
minLength: 2
maxLength: 4


## String dataType using an enum.
## Assigned to the user-ui scope.
dataType: string
kind: Setting
  labels: user-ui
  name: enum-setting
  namespace: hobbyfarm
value: "abc"
enum: ["xyz", "abc", "def"]
valueType: scalar

Default Settings

HobbyFarm ships with the following default settings. If these settings are removed, they will be automatically recreated.

NameDisplay NameScopeDefault Value
motd-admin-uiAdmin UI MOTDadmin-uinone
motd-uiUser UI MOTDpublicnone
registration-disabledRegistration disabledpublicfalse



Settings dataType values can be of one of four types:

string“Hello World”A sequence of characters.
integer123A whole number.
float123.456A number with a decimal point.
booleantrueA value which is either true or false.


Settings valueType values can be one of three types:

scalar“Hello World”A single value.
array[“Hello”, “World”]A list of values.
map{“key”: “value”}A key/value pair.


Settings may also include Validators.

requiredtrueThe value must be set.
maximum100The value must be less than or equal to the maximum value.
minimum0The value must be greater than or equal to the minimum value.
maxLength10The value must be less than or equal to the maximum length.
minLength0The value must be greater than or equal to the minimum length.
format“ipv4”The value must match the format.
pattern“^[a-z]+$”The value must match the pattern.
enum[“a”, “b”, “c”]The value must be one of the enum values.
default“Hello World”The value will be set to the default value if not set.
uniqueItemstrueThe value must be unique.

Please see the Gargantua Property Types for a full list of and corresponding data types.


Settings work in conjunction with Scopes. Please see the Scopes documentation for more information.