
Create or manage Kubernetes roles used by HobbyFarm.

In Kubernetes, a Role is a set of permissions that can be assigned to a user or group of users. A Role can be assigned to a user or group of HobbyFarm users via a RoleBinding. HobbyFarm provides an interface for creating and managing HobbyFarm specific Roles via the Admin-UI.

To access the Roles page, log into the HobbyFarm Admin-UI and click the Configuration option in the top navigation menu. In the left navigation menu, click the Roles option.

Creating a Role

To create a new Role, click on the +NEW button in the top left corner of the page under the Roles heading. A popup will appear with a form to fill out the details of the new Role.

Role - Basic Information


Role NameYesThe name of the Role. This name will be used to identify the Role in the HobbyFarm Admin-UI and API.
API GroupsYesThe API groups to which the Role applies. Two API groups are available: and
ResourcesYesThe resources to which the Role applies. Examples are virtualmachines, environments, users, and scheduledevents. Each of these are resources available in Kubernetes via the HobbyFarm deployment.
VerbsYesThe verbs to which the selected Resources applies. Examples are get, list, create, update, and delete.

Once the information has been entered, click the SAVE button in the lower right corner to create the Role.

NOTE: Roles must be applied using RoleBindings before they will take effect. The use of RoleBindings is outside the scope of this document. Please visit the Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) documentation for more information on RoleBindings.