
Steps for the deployment of HobbyFarm via Helm.

The following steps will guide you through the deployment of HobbyFarm in a Kubernetes environment using Helm. Please ensure that all prerequisites are met before proceeding with the installation. Failure to do so may result in an unsuccessful installation.

Step 1: Add Helm Repository

Using Helm, add the HobbyFarm repository and generate a values.yaml file for customization.

## Add the required Helm repository
helm repo add hobbyfarm

## Update your local Helm repository cache
helm repo update

## List available versions of HobbyFarm
helm search repo hobbyfarm/hobbyfarm

## Get the values.yaml for HobbyFarm
helm show values hobbyfarm/hobbyfarm > values.yaml

Step 2: Customize the Values File

There are several options available in the values.yaml file. Please refer to the Helm options documentation for a full reference of these values. Additionally, the HobbyFarm Helm Chart values.yaml file is available for review and contains additional comments and examples.

Hostname Configuration

HobbyFarm requires four domains to serve its traffic. Prior to installation of HobbyFarm, these domains must exist in a DNS server and must point to either a load balancer or a Kubernetes Node. Documentation of DNS configuration is outside the scope of this documentation.

DomainPurposeHobbyFarm Service
api.{domain}.comAPI & Controller HostingGargantua Backend
admin.{domain}.comAdministrative InterfaceAdmin-UI Frontend
learn.{domain}.comEnd-User Learning InterfaceUI Frontend
shell.{domain}.comShell Endpoint for UIGargantua Shell

NOTE: The documentation assumes the above domain prefixes are used for deployment of HobbyFarm. It is not required to adhere to the prefixes shown in the examples above (e.g. api, admin). Users may choose any desired prefix.

⚠️ HobbyFarm may work using sub-paths (e.g. {domain}.com/api) but this is not currently a tested configuration.

TLS Configuration

HobbyFarm uses Kubernetes Ingress for Web traffic and routing. If TLS is enabled, HobbyFarm will make use of certificates referenced via the Ingress resource. Kubernetes TLS Secrets can be created containing the key and certificate for each domain, and referenced in the values.yaml file.

Example Kubernetes Secrets TLS manifest:

## Create a Secret containing the TLS certificate and key for the backend domain, api.{domain}.com
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: backend-tls-secret
  namespace: hobbyfarm-system    ## The Secret must be created in the HobbyFarm namespace
  tls.crt: <base64 encoded certificate>  ## Replace with a valid base64 encoded certificate
  tls.key: <base64 encoded key>          ## Replace with a valid base64 encoded key

NOTE: The creation of certificates is outside the scope of this documentation. Cert-manager can be used to automate the creation of TLS certificates. Please refer to the cert-manager documentation for more information.

The following example shows the configuration for TLS in the values.yaml file:

  enabled: true
    enabled: true
      backend:    backend-tls-secret  ## References the Secret created above
      admin:      admin-tls-secret
      ui:         ui-tls-secret
      shell:      shell-tls-secret
      backend:    api.{domain}.com    ## Hostname for the backend, used in the above Secret
      admin:      admin.{domain}.com
      shell:      shell.{domain}.com
      ui:         learn.{domain}.com

If unique certificates per hostname are required, a unique Secret per hostname must be created and associated with the hostname in the values.yaml file. Ensure each certificate stored in a Secret corresponds to the correct hostname, otherwise traffic will not be routed correctly.

NOTE: Wildcard certificates are acceptable.

Step 3: Create a Namespace

Create a namespace to install HobbyFarm. For example:

kubectl create namespace hobbyfarm-system

NOTE: The namespace name is arbitrary and can be changed to suit your needs. However, be sure to use the same namespace name throughout the installation process.

Step 4: Install HobbyFarm via Helm

Install HobbyFarm using a values file that you have created, or by specifying your chosen options using Helm’s --set flags.

## Install HobbyFarm using a values file
helm upgrade \
  --install hobbyfarm hobbyfarm/hobbyfarm \
  --namespace hobbyfarm-system \
  --values values.yaml

## Install HobbyFarm using --set flags
helm upgrade \
  --install hobbyfarm hobbyfarm/hobbyfarm \
  --namespace hobbyfarm-system \
  --set ingress.tls.enabled=true

NOTE: Using the upgrade --install command will install HobbyFarm if it does not exist, or upgrade it if it does exist.

Step 5: Verify Installation

Verify that HobbyFarm has been installed successfully by checking the status of the HobbyFarm pods.

## Use the watch command to monitor the status of the HobbyFarm pods
watch -n1 kubectl get pods -n hobbyfarm-system

## Use the watch commadn to monitor the deployments until all are in a Ready state
watch -n1 kubectl get deployment -n hobbyfarm-system

Step 6: Setup an Admin User

Once installation has been verified, proceed to the Admin Account documentation to create an initial administrator account.